A splendid place women only in Northern Umbria. For you, run by women for women



This is a project for the sociability, culture and welcoming of women for women and it has no commercial aims. Inside of this dedicated choice, the subscription to the social club – a free quota from a minimum suggested year by year – has both an ethic-political and practical value that can be revealed apart form the regular frequency of the place itself. You can apply to it – as it happens –  simply for a “dedicated” project’s sake so as to allow it to resist (nowadays for us, in the future for the others), and also because to uphold and to reinforce the professional network or even to take part in the community’s life  through the mailing list.

 Ethic because it represents the ensemble of the solidarity and the efforts of all of us and also as it is carried on exclusively in favour of the community and of its necessity to exist and to resist. Practical, cultural and political because it needs to support the female identity,  a no commercial and no temporary choice aimed at opposing the trade logician otherwise overwhelming and to enable us to let all the members the major and the best accueil considering  the level and the style of the place, to satisfy the women’s  needs: meetings, culture, stay, privacy and wholeness, a safe place indifferently by the social moment of each one’s life.

Here below you’ll find some of the concrete and planning objectives under which the subscription contributes to:

  • the constant and most possible contained prices all year according to the members’ needs – special offer and “economy formula”

  • the utilization of the club the whole year facing the tourism logicians that undoubtedly encourage the high seasons with the respective expensive costs 

  • the reasonable and best price considering the quality of the buildings available, the capital invested and the high cost for their maintenance

  • the mailing list, the network to encourage the members’ professions and the net for the divulgation, sociability, culture and mutual support

  • the solidity of the choices towards women and the spreading of the information on the culture activities as well as the lectures regarding both human’s and gender’s course and the women’s artistic and language expressions

  • the support to improve and to develop free of charge the collateral offers (bookshelves, video, sport, social, play and culture activities and so on)

  • the help of those wishing to leave on their own, the singles, the events aimed to contrast the loneliness and to support and to encourage the sociability

 If you think to agree with these objectives, if you want to be a part of our reserved mailing list, if you wish to get in touch with other women by indisputable and serious values, contact us to get the information, make your subscription and support this common initiative. Call us at +39 763 838488 / +39 349 2965164 or write to us at  info@poggiolodeipini.it


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