A splendid place women only in Northern Umbria. For you, run by women for women


Web links women related


Women identity research between reason, memory and miths.



Party 4 women & friends in Milan and neighborhoods.

First italian lesbian website, on-line from 1996. With  forums, chat, events, political and theoretical texts, writhers contributions, articles, mailing list...


Cultural association, women oriented, highlightning the women submerged culture and looking for opportunities for the women in the italian society.


Lesbian group promoting social events, culture and passion for lesbian political wievs to carry on the lesbian movement conquers.


Roma women movement official website.


Italian Lesbian Alternative: a website with mailing-list, for lesbian and feminine develoèpment and promotion.


Bagdam Espace Lesbien - Toulouse - Francia
Conosciuto in tutta la Francia per le sue attività di incontro, culturali e politiche, Bagdam è stato il primo café solo per donne in Francia.
L'indipendenza e la specificità lesbica - e dunque il separatismo - sono il cuore del progetto politico e culturale di Bagdam Espace Lesbien.


Disco, aperitivi, karaoke, musica & intrattenimento per ragazze a Bergamo e provincia


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