A splendid place women only in Northern Umbria. For you, run by women for women


Club & Community   

We dreamed of  a charming “place just made for us”, a frame in which to welcome ourselves, to meet and to feel at ease was direct and affectionate, relaxing, fond, beautiful and not outsider.

A place of peace and privacy in a land rich of history, art, nature for those women who first and most of all need a choice protected and dedicated to themselves. A no commercial project to preserve and to grow in which the meanings, though the place is extremely suitable, are not merely for tourism but a planning, a way, a point of reference, a serious and concrete network female oriented, a sharing culture to be stimulated, a sense of family in which to find ourselves. It’s not meant to be a passing through place to be used as a simple experience or hurriedly.

Having first of all dedicated our own lives to it, we create relax, social relations, aggregation, friendships, warmth, culture and solidarity among women; we intend to do it with the strength of an enthusiastic choice and with the quality of those who appreciate the nuances and respect the sensitivity and the needs of each one of us.

If you then look for peace, wellbeing, warmth, friendship, exchange, attention, familiarity and wish to dedicate a niche for yourself and to appreciate silence, to enjoy the comfortableness as well as the values, to taste the beuty of the details and if you find reassuring to be greeted  with cordiality even though you’re on your own or at your first experience, we are delighted to welcome you: you came to the right place!

We guarantee the care for the extreme good manners, for the women’s needs to be together in harmony, for the possibilities to be secluded and to isolate ourselves, to meet somebody’s smile and to find the right support in your tough moments, to spread the news and to benefit by the human, social and  professional skill network that we invite you to test and to divulge. A jointly network  that chose and think woman.

To use this place – rare and at your disposal the whole year – with intelligence, respect, sense of protection and belonging, to be a member of it and to suggest it is a way of helping this project made by women for women to develop, to exist and to protect the atmospheres occurring among women when the conditions and the intentions are optimal.

We are at disposal of all of you to enable this physical and not only space to be used in couple or singly, to strike up a friendship, to do plans with friends, to celebrate anniversaries, to meet, to organize stages or simply to enjoy your moments of relax.

Hoping to meet you, do not hesitate to write to us (info@poggiolodeipini.it)
or contact us (+39 763 838488 /  + 39 349 2965164).
For further details concerning the club subscription, the mailing list and the tariffs, please click here.

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